You Got The Rights...
Does the 1st Amendment give you the right to:


An education Yes No
Freedom of speechYes No
Freedom of pressYes No
Have gunsYes No
Not be subject to cruel and unusual punishmentYes No
MarriageYes No
Assembly or protestYes No
Pick your own religionYes No
Assemble or protestYes No
A speedy trialYes No
Complain about the governmentYes No

The First Amendment might be considered the most important amendment of the Bill of Rights.  It protects 5 freedoms- religion, speech, press, assembly, and to complain about the government.  However, with all these freedoms there is a limit.  For instance you shouldn’t be allowed to go into a crowded nightclub and yell fire.

Religion: Ever since William Penn started Pennsylvania and the base of religious freedom, this has been an important right to most Americans.  The religion part of the first amendment protects 2 things.  The government can’t establish a state religion.  You also have the right to believe in anything you wish.  However, the government does have a right to stop you religious practices.  For instance, they banned polygamy, (legally having 2 wives) but they can’t make you stop believing in your “god” or other “supreme being”

Speech: This part of the first amendment says that you can say whatever you want.  Unless, you are doing something to hurt the nation at a time of conflict.  The Supreme Court decided in Schenck Vs. US, that when there is a clear and present danger, you freedom of speech rights can be curbed.

Press: The press can print anything they want.  As before the press can not print any thing they want if there is a clear and present danger.  This right and the other rights in this amendment are not present in many other communist countries like China and the old Iraq under Saddam Hussein.  The press in these countries is owned by the government and they only broadcast what the leader of the country wants or propaganda for his country. In the United States, because of the 1st Amendment, the press can say things which are not favorable to the leader of that country. Protest: Citizens have the right to protest things which they do not like as long as it is peaceful.  They also, according to Cox vs. Louisiana, must obey government regulations and private property. However, citizens still have a right to protest when something isn’t right.

Petition: The 1st amendment gives you the right to petition the government if there is something which you don’t like.  This is important because you have the right to coplain against the government.